William Weese | Winemaker
Bailarín Cellars celebrates those who do what they love. Their passion for life is unstoppable and their enthusiasm is infectious. We celebrate these "dancers" in our hero feature and learn from their words of wisdom.
This month we celebrate our Winemaker, Will Weese, whose love for his craft started early and goes well past production. We are fortunate to work with such a talent who also happens to be a great guy.
Will enjoying the view out near Manchester Ridge Vineyard.
“Finding the hidden beauty in life.”
Growing up in Sonoma County all my life I was surrounded by families that were in the Wine industry. Watching, learning and practicing; I fell in love with the lifestyle that wine entails. It’s not about drinking, it’s about the company you share it with. The food you consume with it, the relaxation you feel while sipping a glass, that takes away your everyday stress.
I decided at an early age that I wanted to make wine. I set out on an adventure to see the world of wine and learn about the cultures that each wine reflects. My journey took me over seas to working harvest in New Zealand, France, and Chile, along with working harvests here in Napa and Sonoma county. I wanted to encompass both old world and new world styles in creating an identity of my own. To help shape me as a winemaker. But the hidden beauty for me was to find that wine is universal, we all create wines to help reflect a culture or to produce a wine that fits the wants and needs of the people that surround it.
I get excited to see how an individual has put their own personal touch on creating something that he/she wants you to see through their eyes. To portray a place, a pin point on a map, a vineyard that lives in a different microclimate than the vineyard across the street. The sun, the soil, the wind, the fog, all different from place to place. Hillside verses valley, what root structure and trellising is chosen. So many variables that can change the outcome everyday. As a winemaker, I feel responsible to try and put all these hidden beauties inside a bottle, To pay tribute to the land that the vines call home. Not to take away any of it but to enhance each nuance, so that everyone can enjoy, what I get to experience while creating each and every wine.
Beyond that, it’s about the hidden beauty that is discovered in opening each bottle of wine. The sound a cork makes with the anticipation to see what lies inside. I love when others enjoy my wine and experience the hidden beauty for themselves. Whether with an old friend or family during the holidays. Or maybe just sitting down on the couch and taking a deep breath to calm down from the crazy busy life that we live. When I get a message or a photo from friends telling me they are enjoying my wine, it puts a smile on my face to know I have helped them find a moment of beauty too.